Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Inspired Banana Pudding Cupcakes

I recently started a new job and I wanted to bake some goodies for the girls I work with. I searched google for cute summer cupcake ideas since its that time of year for pools, beaches, etc. 
I came across a picture of fondant flip flops and thought they were ADORABLE so that is where my inspiration came from for these cupcakes. I used basic yellow cake mix this "Betty Crocker Yellow Cupcake Mix" is by far the best "boxed" mix Ive tasted. I did in-fact want to add bananas to this mix but i forgot to pick them up in time :/ so I just stuck with filling them with instant banana cream pudding. What I think REALLY made these cupcakes so delicious were the Teddy Graham Crackers, they really tied in well. Plus it was a good idea for the cupcakes to make them look like sand. YUMM :)

Frosting: Betty Crocker Vanilla Frosting
Topping: Teddy Honey Graham Crackers chopped up in a blender

To fill the cupcakes, first I took a butter knife and pushed all the way down through the cupcake and began to cut out a small circle and scrapped the extra cake. I filled a ziplock with the pudding and cut a small piece off the edge of the bag to easily fill the cupcakes. When I was finished filling the cupcakes I frosted the cupcakes as I normally would.

I know you may-be wondering how to get a perfect flip flop shape so heres how I did it.
A butterfly cookie cutter! Just cut the butterfly in half and smooth out the edges to be round.

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